It is a matter of both pride and honour, it is a challenge and moreover it is fun. To become World Champion has recently meant also becoming a cigar celebrity, achieving for the Champion coverage in the cigar press as well as fame within the many cigar clubs and communities from around the world that take part. But to be World champion also brings that unique feeling  of excitement, pride and honour of achieving a victory against dedicated challengers from around the world.

W O R L D    C H A M P I O N E X  C H A M P I O N S

A list of extraordinary people who left a mark in Cigar history and who have contributed to the Cigar Smoking World Championship story!! Their competitive spirit, their strong will and discovering of new skills, their courage and focus made them World Champions as World Champions should be - The greatest!!

World record is line of time is became unbelievable long, that looks almost impossible to reach its end and to make one step more. Now, in hands of most CSWC awarded person, presents high steak target

Cigar Smoking World Championship ranking list of the best 20 World smokers. Smokers who achieve this distinction have both their names and the names of their countries highlighted.

The Cigar Smoking World Championship is not just a challenge reserved for men. With their amazing results, women have proved that they belong among the best

All  about

World Champion

Competition Cigar


Grand final

Makes Cigar World united

C I g a r   s m o k I n g   w o r l d   c h a m p I o n s h I p

finale 2018 video

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