This situation with Corona virus stopped the
Globe, made our life's slower and distanced physically us from each other but also it made us to understand how vulnerable we are in our way of living....but in the same time it shows to us how strong we can be in difficult times, and that still, no matter how situation could be hard we can be even stronger in mission to be together and to share our lives, passions and friendship on some other ways. Humans are adjustable and we here at CSWC thinks that we need to keep strength buy keeping positive spirit and smiles on the faces of the people that we can reach. Regarding that we came with idea to made this hard times easier and to bring entertainment, excitement , fun and togetherness of people of good will with special CSWC „stay strong“ season. We will organise where that will be possible zoom CSWC rooms where smokers will be able to participate, practice and compete. On the end of this pandemic we will create special top 30 list of the best slow smokers of CSWC „stay strong” season and we are preparing many amazing prizes and surprises for this 30 best time smokers
This list will be published all over World cigar media. So, sit down, light up , go slow and have fun and excitement through this challenge and meet follow smokers from all over the World. Try it, it is easy, and we guarantee fun!!
This year's tournament season "Stay Strong " for Cigar Smoking World Championship was held Online, once per month via Zoom video meeting program for people participating from all over the World. Concept of the "Stay Strong" CSWC season was: Competitors were trying to get the best possible time each time when he/she was competing with official CSWC cigar by Rocky Patel. Each tournament was followed by an official Judge and watched via Zoom meeting room. After each competition, top 3 winners with thier final results were announced on official CSWC social media page.and by official CSWC media partner -